- Launched a new email newsletter to inform members and friends of updates to our digital archive and other news about WMHS and other local historic preservation organizations;
- Made updates to WMHS web site to make it more readable and user-friendly;
- Revised our membership renewal process from paper-based to email/on-line;
- Began serving as a voting member of the City’s new Historic Preservation Board;
- Continued with annotating, adding detailed metadata cataloging digital images and documents in our collection. Began compiling them into “mini-archives” about a particular subject–in order to make more of the materials available for on-line research;
- Digitized several out-of-print or non-scanned vintage history books for archival and research use;
- Collaborated with Ft. Lauderdale History Center, Boca Raton Historical Society, Oakland Park Historian and Digital Collection Curator, Stonewall Library and Archives and local historians Pat Scott and Fred Fejes on research projects of mutual interest;
- Received and curated vintage photos and documents from current and former residents–including “The Stafford Family Scrapbook” and “Pedersen Family Progresso Deed Records”;
- Researched, downloaded, enhanced and cataloged scores of newspaper clippings from Newspapers.com related to Wilton Manors history;
- Conducted extensive research for “The Story of JJ’s Den/The Otherside” –Wilton Manors first LGBTQ+ business;
- Prepared background research and nominated Constance Ruppender for 2023 Broward County Pioneer Day Award; and Bev McMahon for WM 2023 LGBTQ History Month Award;
- Prepared articles with photos about historic topics for the City’s monthly Town Crier newsletter;
- Researched and responded to inquiries from the public and City officials about Wilton Manors history;
- Mailed “Welcome to Wilton Manors” letters to all new residents–including the WMHS brochure and the Willingham Towers color postcard; and
- Continued in the role of “Friends of Richardson Historic Park” to help ensure both its preservation, maintenance and enhancement–while maximizing its potential as an event venue.