WMHS “Town Crier” Newsletter Articles
Click or tap here for a list of short historical articles by WMHS published in the City of Wilton Manors Town Crier newsletter (in chronological order, newest-to-oldest).
“Who Was Richard C. Sullivan?” Spring 2025. A brief summary of the biography of Mr. Sullivan, and the renaming of our library in recognition of his philanthropic legacy. [For more details see “Renaming of the Richard C. Sullivan Public Library of Wilton Manors” mini-archive.]
“E.J. Willingham’s Forgotten Castle” Winter 2024/2025. A brief history of the Entrance Gateway, Observation Tower and Administration Building of his Wilton Manors development.
“A brief chronology of Wilton Manors first church – Covenant Presbyterian” Fall 2024. “Executive summary” of the 111-page mini-archive of Covenant Presbyterian (including the church’s 50th Anniversary scrapbook–with photos, news clippings, newsletters/bulletins, financial statements, etc.; and other more recently acquired materals) found here.
“74+ Years of Kiwanis Service in Wilton Manors-preserving the legacy” Summer 2024. “Executive summary” of the more detailed article on the history and contributions of Wilton Manors Kiwanis, including photographs and newspaper clippings, found here.
“South end of Dixie at the River—what preceded the Pride Center?“ Winter 2023-2024. Traces the occupants/uses of the site from 1916 to the present.
“The “Old Smith House – Recalling a Missed Opportunity” Fall 2023. History of the pioneer Smith Family 1920’s home, and the failure to save it from demolition. [see also 1910-1989 “Louis and Maude Smith Family & the Old Smith House” mini-archive]
“Wilton Manors 24th Stonewall Pride Parade and Street Festival“ Summer 2023. History of the Stonewall Pride Parade and Street Festival; including rare images from 2000.
“Wilton Manors Historical Society’s Updated Digital Archives and Web Site“ Spring 2023. Describes changes and additions to our on-line archives.
“Willingham Carriage House at Richardson Historic Park“ December 2022/January/February 2023. Vintage photos of the Carriage House and Willingham estate home, it’s early history and restoration.
“Recalling the Pearce 5&10“ September/October/November 2022. The story of this fondly-remembered early Wilton Drive business.
“Retail Development on the Old Dixie Highway” – July/August 2022. Mid to late 1950’s commercial development at Five Points, including vintage photo and ads.
“The Seminoles and the Stranahans in Wilton Manors?“ May/June 2022. History of Native American presence in Colohatchee/Wilton Manors; including a Seminole camp in 1870. Also, history of the Stranahan family farm in what is now Coral Point; including its relationship to the Seminoles.
“Wilton Manors Early Fire and Police Services“ – March/April 2022. History and images of first fire company and first police officers.
“Wilton Manors Era of NO TAXATION” – January/February 2022. History of the 1947-1956 era; including revenue sources listed in 1950 Village budget and image of “No Taxation” sign at south entrance to Wilton Drive.
“H.L. Brolliar -Wilton Manors first tract housing developer-1952” – November/December 2021. Including image of home at 309 NE 26th Dr. and advertisement with home features and price.
“Exploring the History of 2209 Wilton Drive-the Early Years and From Go-Go to Gaga, the Later Years“ – July/August & September/October 2021. History and ads for the Flame Restaurant, Playmate Club, Back Door-A-Go-Go, Sir Nicholas Inn, Tahiti Inn, The Palms, Chardees, Bill’s Filling Station; and images of the debut of Lady Gaga at Bill’s in 2008. [see also 1959-2017 “Chronology of Restaurants and Lounges at 2209 Wilton Drive” mini-archive]
“Manors Businesses Celebrate 65th Anniversary in 2021” – May/June 2021. History and images of Manors Lanes and Barton & Miller Cleaners.
“First Funeral Home in Wilton Manors” – March/April 2021. History of Wilton Manor’s first funeral home–and no, it wasn’t Kalis.
History Books/Essays/Reports
1911 “Everglades of Florida-Acts, Reports and Other Papers“ – History of drainage and reclamation work in the Everglades of Florida.
1918 “Florida-The Land of Enchantment” by Nevin O. Winter – “… an Account of its Romantic History from the Days of Ponce de Leon and the Other Explorers and Settlers, and the Story of its Native Indians; A Survey of its Climate, Lakes and Rivers and a Description of its Scenic Wonders and Abundant Animal and Bird Life; And a Comprehensive Review of the Florida of Today, as a State Important for its lndustries, Agriculture and Educational Advantages, as well as the Unsurpassed and Justly Celebrated Winter Resort of America, with Unparalleled Attractions for Health and Pleasure Seekers, Nature Lovers, Motorists and Sportsmen.” Including 56 photographs.
1920-1957 “Miscellaneous city, residential, or business directories“ re: Colohatchee/Wilton Manors – a collection of extracts or complete documents for various years during the period.
1940 “The History of Lauderdale“ by Sara M. Crim – series of articles from the Fort Lauderdale News.
1940 “Historical Mysterious Picturesque New River. Linebru sketches showing various scenes buildings and characters in Ft Lauderdale Fla.” by Austin Smith [1979 reprint by Friends of the Ft. Lauderdale Library] Historical scenes of Ft. Lauderdale 1839-1935.
1948 “Wilton Manors Early History” by Norman Malcolm. Typewritten draft of material later published as a series of columns in the Wilton Manors Bulletin [July 12, 19, 26, August 2, 1951–available in the Newspapers section of this website]. Much of this document is summarized in the 1955 “The Wilton Manors Story, as told in 1955 …” below. (note: document known to contain some factual errors-contact WMHS before quoting).
1952 “Oakland Park History” by Ruth Brenner. Document includes both digitized original and edited version ca. 2020.
1953-1970 “Hopkins Plat Book-Central Broward” Detailed full-color plats of Ft. Lauderdale and Vicinity, including Wilton Manors and Oakland Park.
1955 “The Wilton Manors Story, as told in 1955 …” by Leslie Bagwell, editor/publisher of the Wilton Sunrise News. 9-page booklet, first published in the May 7, 1955 “Wilton Manors Birthday” issue of the Wilton Sunrise News weekly newspaper–available in the Newspapers section of this website . Includes first-person accounts summarized from Norman Malcolm’s 1948 “Wilton Manors Early History” above; as well as later/additional information from pioneers Perry Mickel, Dave Turner, and Alvar Hagen. (note: document known to contain some factual errors-contact WMHS before quoting)
1962 “Prelude to Maturity-First 13 Years of the Wilton Manors Womans Club” by Virginia Hagen. Told as the biography of the fictional little girl “Wilma Wocl”.
1974 “Checkered Sunshine-History of Ft. Lauderdale 1793-1955” by Weidling & Burghard. Includes references to Colohachee, Floranada, E.J. Willingham and Oakland Park.
1991 “Twentieth Century Journey-History of Oakland Park” by Paul S. George-Broward County Historic Preservation Board (courtesy of City of Oakland Park web site).
1997 “The Island City-The Story of Wilton Manors” by Stuart McIver. Written for the City’s 50th Birthday Celebration (note: document known to contain some factual errors-contact WMHS before quoting).
2001 “An Historical View of the Wilton Manors Police Department” by Joan Kon, WMPD Records Manager.
2019 “Oakland Park Before It Was Oakland Park” by Susan Gillis. From a Powerpoint presentation; includes vintage images from Colohatchee, Floranada and early Oakland Park (courtesy of City of Oakland Park web site).
Recipe Books
1952 “Treasure of Personal Recipes” by the Woman’s Club of Wilton Manors.
1964 “Fort Lauderdale Recipes” by the Fort Lauderdale Historical Society.
1972 “Recipes for Our Friends” by the Wilton Manors Friends of the Library.
1977 “Tasty Treats” by the Woman’s Club of Wilton Manors.
Academic Research Papers/Presentations
2011 “Gaytrification: Financial Incentives and the Making of a Gay Social Enclave in Wilton Manors, Florida, 1990 – 2000” by Sean Manning Udell.
2011 “The River, the Railroad Tracks, and the Towers: How Residents’ Worldview and Use Value Transformed Wilton Manors into a Diverse, Gayfriendly, Urban Village” by Emma Ergon-Rowe.
2020 “Walking on Wilton Drive – A linguistic landscape analysis of a homonormative space” by Heiko Motschenbacher. Finds that “Wilton Drive is highly exclusive in the sense that it represents predominantly gay male experiences, whereas heterosexualities, lesbian and other sexualities are discursively marginalized or even silenced.”
2022 “Queer by the Beach: The History of the Fort Lauderdale LBGT Community” – a lecture by author and LGBT historian Dr. Fred Fejes. Fejes shares historical accounts about the evolution of the gay community in South Florida from the 1930s through 1980; and its struggle for equality and acceptance. Hosted on the History Fort Lauderdale YouTube channel.
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